The QRP Club of South Carolina

An Amateur Radio Organization Devoted to the Art and Science of Low Power Radio Communitations


We are QRPSC

Members of QRPSC are licensed amateur radio (HAM) operators who share a special interest in the art and science of radio communication using very low R.F. power, typically less than five watts. There is nothing magical about making contacts with less than five watts...the laws of physics apply to QRP exactly as they do to a hundred or even a thousand watt station.  Perhaps QRPer's have developed more patience, persistance and have perfected the good operating skills needed in order to convert weaker signals into sucessful contacts.  QRPer's are motavated and excited by making contacts using less energy than is consumed in a flash light bulb!  Whether you are newly licensed or an old timer who has never operated QRP... give it a try... it's FUN!

You are always welcome here on our website where you can learn, share and keep informed about everything QRP.  We invite you to join us as a member, come to our occasional meetings, operating events and enjoy discounts on QRP kits and antennas.  Members also receive a hansome Membership Certificate suitable for framing.  There is no cost for membership in QRPSC (see membership page).


Recent and Coming EVENTS

QRP Day in the Park

On March 23, 2024 a QRP day in the park was held at Heyward Park in Calhoun County. The event was organized by CCARG member Richard Kline, KQ4AMK.  The five hour event was attended by hams from Calhoun, Lexington, Richland and Orangeburg counties.  Two QRP stations were in operation.  Richard Mote, WF7F displayed many of his collection of QRP and QRPp transceivers and kits.  Bill, W4FSV set up an Elecraft K1 with a 25 foot long wire just six feet above ground and worked Alabama and Virginia on 20 meters.  Richard's G90 amazed us with DX contacts with a mobile antenna on 10 meters.

Columbia Amateur Radio Club Swapfest

The CARC annual Swapfest will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024 in Calhoun County at the Hewyard Park on Savvany Hunt Club Rd in Sandy Run. (where we hold our Field Day and Winter Field Day) CCARG is working with the CARC to make this event the best ever, so come on out for some Ham Radio Fun!

In addition to the Tail Gate area, We will have two QRP stations on the air and a Satellite station Demo.  Power and antennas will be available to test any purchases!

Just in case you get hungry looking at all that great used gear, we got you covered!  Free hot dogs and soft drinks for all!  (while supplies last)

May 11, 2024


Heyward Park 312 Savany Hunt Creek Rd.

Gaston, SC 29053 (In Calhoun County near I-26

exit 119.  10:00 am - 02:00 pm